Publicity notice received:
Display at Arts Central, 2009
Saturday 12th to Friday 25th September
The Barrians who served in the Second World War to be remembered in September Exhibition.
This September sees the 70th Anniversary of the start of the Second World War, that enormous conflict that claimed the lives of 370,000 Britons. Events will be held the length and breadth of the United Kingdom, and Barry will play its part in commemorating the sacrifice made, and the service given, by Barry's men and women all those years ago.
To remember the role that the people of Barry and the surrounding areas played in the defeat of Germany and Japan, local military historian Dr Jonathan Hicks will be staging a two-week long exhibition at Arts Central in Barry Library.
Dr Hicks says, "On display in Arts Central will be the material I have collected over the past few years on the role that Barrians played in the Second World War. I have interviewed military, naval and air force veterans, civilians who experienced the bombing of Barry and have spoken with merchant seamen sunk by German u-boats.
"As a result I have numerous photographs and written accounts which will form the basis of a thought-provoking display which will be of great interest to the people of Barry.
"Thousands of local people attended the two large scale exhibitions at Barry Memorial Hall in 2007 and 2008 on the role that Barrians played in the two world wars of the last century. Both were extremely successful and raised funds for the upkeep of Barry's Roll of Honour.
"The display at Arts Central will allow me to display the whole range of information I have collected, and for a longer period than just a one-day exhibition.
"Barry, as we are all aware, is a town without a museum. There is no venue for a permanent display of such material and with this important anniversary fast approaching it is incumbent on us to commemorate the courage that male and female Barrians showed during those years.
"The Second World War is also part of the National Curriculum in primary and secondary schools so the opportunity to teach our children what happened from 1939-1945 as it affected Barry and Barrians should not be missed.
"There will be the following sections to the display:
- The RAF
- The Army
- The Royal Navy
- The Merchant Navy
- Women's Contribution
- The Barry Blitz
"The exhibition will open on Saturday 12th September and will run for two weeks. I will be in attendance on Saturdays and very much look forward to engaging with the public and collecting yet more stories."
Dr Hicks expressed his gratitude to Tracey Harding, Arts Development Manager of the Vale of Glamorgan Council for facilitating this exhibition.